Tuesday, August 16, 2011

What do I do about my husbands family?

My husband and I got married almost exactly 3 months ago... His family seemed lovely BEFORE we got married. I had various little problems with his sister here and there but I didn't realize that after we got married I would find out what this was really all about. His dad is the only one who didn't want us to get married because he felt like I was stealing his son from him. The sister well, she wanted to manipulate and control our relationship from day one. I did my best to stand my ground and not let her, so every chance she would get when he was at home, she would steal his phone and text me [starting fights, being rude and absolutely immature!]... His mother had no idea that the sister would steal my then fiance's phone and my fiance didn't realize it either until it was too late and she would have us to the point of breaking up!!! The week of our wedding my husband's mother kept bugging me wanting to help out, etc but EVERYTIME I would ask her to help out she would bail and leave me hanging. So it was really hard for me to not get a bad attitude towards his family during that crazy-busy week. All through my husband's and I's relationship I tried and tried my best to include them to family fuctions, bbq's. etc. My parents are photographers and we offered to do FREE family pictures for them and they would always decline. When my husband graduated his family wouldn't throw him a graduation party so my family did and invited them [in which they pouted the whole time]... After my husband and I got married -exactly 4 days later we found out a whole lot about his family and had NO WAY of preparing ourselves for what we were about to find out... His mother and sister had been stealing his SSI money and his paychecks from him. He knew about the paychecks [but I didn't] and his mother and sister had my family, myself and my husband under the impression he was not receiving SSI. One thing has led to another and we don't want ANY communication with his family AT ALL! But they don't want to except that... They have nearly gotten both of us fired from our jobs because they would go to my husbands work place and chase him around and he couldn't escape them. His workplace finally tresped them, so now they come to our house! Law enforcement won't help because they "want to put the family back together" when they don't understand how scared my husband really is of his family!!!! His mother and sister would keep him doped up on meds that made his easy to control and manipulate and also made him not remember anything. When he moved in with me [a month before we got married] I wouldn't let him take the meds anymore because he was basically incoherant all day. Now that my husband has been off the meds for a couple months and they should be completely out of his system... He is starting to remember things more. He has told me about different things his sister has done to him everything from [spitting, punching, kicking, throwing shoes at him, grabbing his , attempting to grab his , trying to sleep with him, trying to make him sleep with her, walking in on him when he's trying to take a bath and oogling his body and , trying to sit on his lap or snuggle with him on the couch, trying to wrap her legs around his under the table, etc etc etc].. I asked my husband how he would respond to her doing these things and he said he would get mad and tell her to stop that she has a husband and she's gross, that she is his sister. He told me that often times she would retaliate and get him in trouble or she would get really pissed off and start punching him. My husband is Deaf and his parents don't know hardly any sign, so it wasn't like he could tell them what was happening, and when he would try he would get in more trouble because his sister would yell and say he was hitting her. From my observation it's easier to listen to a hearing person that is yelling and whining, especially when they are VERY good at being fake and putting on the "innocent" act; than it is to listen to someone who is Deaf when his parents don't know sign and the sister is fluent with ASL. Just from hearing his dad talk about the mother and sister, they don't stop yelling and whining until they get their way. My husband I can honestly say would NEVER hit a woman. My husband's sister is 23 and she is married to a Marine that lives in Cali. She lives here with her mom and dad, where my husband used to live. My husband is several years younger than his sister. I'm scared to know anything more that my husband may or maynot remember in the future considering with as ual as his sister was to him... the What If's start running through my brain. His mother and sister seem more "obsessed & jealous" with me than anything, constantly wanting to know how i dress, what my clothes are like and how many I have, how I style my ha

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