Monday, August 8, 2011

Self defense question?

Let me see if I can answer your question with a question. Cirstances will apply in different situations. Example, A subject making entry into your home having a weapon in hand does not give the sol right to shot to kill. What gives you the right ? The element of an intended threat that the subject was going to use the weapon. Factors of intent, how close the subject was to you if the weapon was a knife or if the weapon was a hand gun. You know the subject must be much closer with the knife than the hand gun to show an intent, maybe not, he/she could throw the knife (right) but what the courts want to see, was there an immediately threat. With a gun, all the subject must do is attempt to point the gun at you. Like coming up with the gun while the gun was pointing down. Who's to say then what his/her intent was? Another cirstance, Having a family in bed asleep and not knowing what this subject will do if you don't do something. Again, the courts want to see the intent that harm would have came to your family. Me, I'm going to tell the subject while pointing a gun he/she can make a choice to leave before making another move, or he/she will be shot or shot at. Of course, if I kill the subject I must show that I felt threatened, and if the subject moved toward me or my family the intent was shown. You must make that choice? Hope this helped !

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