Thursday, August 18, 2011

I hurt my gf again, now what?

If you're breaking up because you don't want to hurt her again, try telling her that you don't want to do that and you know she deserves better. Don't break up with her for her own good, but maybe explain how you feel and leave some space for her to think about it. If you break up, it should be a mutual decision, not just forced on her. It will still hurt but at least that way she can feel like it was for the best and pull herself together to move on.

What is wrong with my tricity bendix AW1000w?

We've recently had a big freeze and once everything was thawed i put a load of washing in as normal, pushed the start on and nothing happens. The lights light up but that's it...can you help??

About issues: When it comes to certain issues, why are Republicans only against part of it? examples below?

Affirmative Action is old news and needs to stop, its unfair and it figures lazy democrats would still support it, goes to show you how screwed up democrats are.

Whats your favorite song by the veronicas?

That's a tough one. Cant choose between This Love or Goodbye to you or Untouched. All their songs are great.

Who would you rather marry, if you had no choice? ?

I'd go for the old guy. I know it sounds horrible, but old guys are SO funny, and they just love to speak they're mind! Besides, Richard Simmons doesn't seem like someone I'd like to know very well.


Lately, it's American politicians using isolated Canadians to disparage our excellent health care system.

How do I get two sided printing to work right on my Lexmark X4850 printer? Back page is upside down!?

Even when I choose "layout" and select "two sided" printing, it doesn't matter if I chose top side binding or side binding. Both result in the backside of each page printing upside down. You'd want it that way for top sided binding. What's the trick?

I am thinking about selling my condo and purchasing a house,?

But i need to first find a Real Estate Agent/Realtor. I dont want to list my home for sale with those big companys that charge you 6% commission since i might be taking a loss by selling, so the less i loose the better i am. Do you have any reccomendations on choosing a real esate agent and what is the diffrence between a realtor and a real estate agent? Any questions i should ask when choosing one? Any help is apprecieated.

Married people, could you answer this short question ?

I would not consider that an affair per se ... more like an affair waiting to happen. Knowing better than to put oneself in such compromising and risky situations is key to maintaining a happy and healthy (as well as faithful) marriage.

What is the cell morphology of Mycobacterium tuberculosis?

When I looked at it under the microscope, it looked as if it were coccus by shape, but I looked it up and I found some sites consider it a bacillus, which one is it? I also need to double check on S. auerous, which I think it's coccus, M.smegmatis, which I think is bacillus. Thanks kids!

Why did sammy sosa bleach himself is he stupid?

Sosa bleaching himself is not nearly as stupid as the fact that so many people seem to care about the fact that he did it.

Do you conscientiously conserve water by taking shorter showers?

Absolutely! and I don't run the water while I'm brushing my teeth..I use the dish water to water the plants ( no dishwasher)..and we only flush every other time...(unless we need to )...we're on a well..had a dry summer 'till recently...

I'm trying to find Willie Mays' address to try and request an autographed picture?

I have been looking for Willie Mays' address for the longest time and can't find it? I keep finding different, conflicting addresses. Can anyone tell me which is the most reliable? I want an autograph from him for my son....

Does anyone else think Viacom companies (MTV,VH1) should quit working in the music biz?

I noticed a commercial on VH1 the other day about the 7 eras of rock music. They mentioned them in chronological order but after Alternative/grunge they went with british indie pop. Are you f***in kiddin me? What about the "Nu-metal" or even the sucky Emo trend. Emo was more rock n roll than british indie and thats not saying much. But i think leaving out "Nu-metal" or Post Grunge (whatever you want to call it) leaves out some great bands like Nickelback, Foo Fighters, Godsmack, Disturbed, Korn, Seether etc.. Now i liked Franz Ferdinand as much as the other 50 people who went out and bought their cd but there's no way they deserve their own era of rock.

Is the family values tour with korn having a show in clarkston mi. and how much are tickets?

Check or to check cities and dates. The prices of the tickets vary, it depends on where you want to sit. I know for sure lawn tickets are only $9.99.

I'm looking for a Power Ranger Fanfic story?

I'm trying to find a power rangers fanfic that i had read a couple of years ago. It featured Kat H. and Billy as a couple but almost all of the rangers had gotten married. The children of the rangers take up the ninjetti powers with more powerful versions of the original ninjazords. it also had tommy's clone as the new green ranger in command of an updated Dragonzord. This was a multichapter fic and the last chapters were the invasion of earth similar to Countdown to Destruction. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

How can i get custody of my grandaughter?

my daughter and her boyfriend are drug addicts. she has a two year old that i have been keeping 3-4 days a week since her birth. When the baby was a year old, my 77 year old stepfather began paying their bills because they were spending all their money on roxy's, xanax, and marijuana. He then let them move in his home. I told my mother and stepfather that they were on drugs and to please stop supporting their drug habit, but when i went there to stay to help my daughter get off drugs, I was kicked out because i confonted her and her boyfriend for stealing from my mother and stepfather. my parents treated me as if i were lying. my daughter and her boyfriend even had them convinced that it was me who was on drugs and stealing from them! They purchased a car for my daughter and she rolled the car over while arguing with her boyfriend and the baby was in the car! I told my parents and asked them not to buy them another one, but two weeks later they gave her another car. I found out that my daughter was having a ual relationship with her own half brother and my parents even allowed him to sleep with her in there home. Finally, my daughter, her boyfriend, and her half brother were all arrested for robbery, burglery, and dealing in stolen property. My parents have done nothing but cater to them and enable there drug addiction. the day my daughter was booked, they had her sign a four year custody agreement granting them full custody behind my back. She has always told me that she wanted me to take the baby because she was afraid that my stepfather was molesting the child. She said she felt cohersed into signing the papers so they would bail her out of jail. My mother is a pastor of a church and her husband's son is the sheriff in our county. Ironically the original social working investigating the case was replaced with my stepfather's buddy. They have told the case worker that I have mental problems and an alchoholic and that i grow marijuana. All lies! I can't afford an attorney to get my grandaughter, but I fear for her safety because my stepfather has never had any interest in any of the grandchildren except this one. My sister even had to give a baby up for adoption because they wouldn't help her. My family is very disfunctional and I don't have very much to do with any of them. My mother thinks she has every gift of the holy spirit and thinks she sees demons, fairies, and indian princesses. I don't want my grandchild to be raised in an environment like I was. I still suffer from my mother's mental abuse and suffer from depression. I only had one child and I lost her to drugs when she was fifteen. She hasn't been a part of my life because i refuse to cater to her habits. My little grandaughter is the only family i have left and they took her from me. They have spoiled her so much, she spits and scratches when she doesn't get what she wants. I don't think my stepfater is a child molester, but who knows, i just wander what his interest in her is when she isn't even his own blood and he doesn't even have relationships with his own grandchildren. My mother and daughter both know that the child healed my heart after i lost everything i had from being injured in a car wreck. Does anybody have any advise for me. I don't have the money or political pull that they have, but I can take care of my grandchild and give her a happy life full of love.
how many moles of potium nitrate are produced when 1.56 moles of potium phosphate react with excess aluminum nitrate. please explain your answer. im trying to teach myself this stuff and its not going well. lol thanks a million!

Why does diesel fuel cost more than gas when it cost less to produce?

considering the fact that diesel fuel is much less refined that gasoline and cost less to make, it seems to me that there is some financial taking place here. are the chinese to blame or being willing to pay whatever they have to for fuel? i hope not because very soon we will be their financial bitches.

How much is the train fare to alton towers/stoke on trent?

we have 2 tickets for alton towers and need to find the quickest and cheapest route from london euston,

Ugg help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

i have a pair of uggs and i love them but i had to order them off ebay. i wanted a nother pair but i want to get them from a website. do you know a website that has them cheeper? my problem is i am a size 11 or 12 in women....... please help me!!!!!



Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Where to find a Burberry dog collar?

My mom just bought my dog the cutest bed, with suede on one side and fake burberry on the other. I was wondering where I could find a matching burberry like collar or leash for him.

What is prayder willies?

I think it is spelled prader-wili syndrome. I think it has something to do with very floppy muscles, and uncontrollable eating. But I could be wrong. Google it. Or look in a medical dictionary.

Do you agree with Berlusconi's ideas or is it just another senile symptom?

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Ladies: HRT question, please help ?

I am not a woman BUT I do know this. HRT INCREASES THE CHANCES OF GETTING CANCER! Ask your doctor about this.

Where can i get information about the brain online?

Just lots of widespread info on the brain all on one website, that doesnt talk only about tumors or certain brain-related diseases.

I'm in need of urgent help!!! I just finished...?

Sounds like you did not put enough oil into it or the filter(s) are not in place correctly stopping the oil from moving where it should,First check the oil level with the car level and motor running, if the level ok then check the filters

I need help please answer?

Opinions needed….If someone from the UK travels to the Philippines to buy a wife and then travels back and takes her for IVF treatment, does that seem weird? Please bear in mind I have hereditary schizophrenia and was bullied in the navy.

How to make private call by cell phone in bangladesh?

Sometimes i had seen that my friend call me from Her Number but i am socked that there is no NO. on text Withheld, No number, Private.How can i do this

Will the new law of raising the cigarette tax another $0.61 on 4/1/09 backfire on President Obama?

The whole country is confused. He is a liar. Smokers can make it back fire on him with a little effort. But one thing is for sure, he has just driven another industry out of the country. Where's that tax money for the 61 cents a pack going to come from then? Aren't you folks tired of hearing about business and industry closing on a daily basis, the lose of jobs and all related. The man is going to ruin the country if we leave him in office much longer.

Why do WHITEGIRLS go into Cheerleading?

Because they want to be popular. Why do you want to be popular? Because that is the only way they know to have high self esteem. Why do they have low self esteem? Because they have a need for other people to tell them, they are worth something. Why do they feel they are not worth anything? Because they don't develop their intellect or does not work hard honestly, but rely on "superficial image", that is why white people need to "look good" by having their parents BMW, install implants, lip fillers, face lift, liposuction. White girls only do things by short cut means and don't earn it! That is why they rely on getting a good white collar job by trying to be sociable and popular, they can't get it by having a high GPA or doing honest study.


Asking a creationist a scientific question is illogical. Creationists believe in faith, not science. If the Bible says that insects have seven legs, then it would be so.

In poptropica on astro knights how do you click on McM cuz it does not let u?

go to museum and click on the books next to the man who asks for gold coin and he will give you a paper with mcm underlined then it will let you click on the mcm in the library

Was Hitler Jewish?

I believe his family was Jewish, and he might've been raised Jewish. If that was the case, he might've dropped it. Or he was just never Jewish. But I don't think he was Jewish.

Does the ouja board scare you? Do you think it was for real or just a crock?

yes. my mom played with it when she was like 17 or 18 and she asked it who she would marry so it gave her the inital D.P. and then she asked it when she would get pregnant and it said 21 and then she asked how many kids she would have and it said 5. my mom married Daniel Plummer got pregnant with my oldest brother at 21 and would have had 5 kids if she hadnt had twins. DO NOT TRY TO BURN THE BOARD THOUGH CAUSE IT IS A WASTE OF TIME BECAUSE IT WONT BURN!

How would this Dell laptop handle my needs (Dell Vostro 1400)?

Yes. It is also fine for your needs. It can do basic tasks. It is also fine running multiple apps, however, it might lag a little bit.

Met him at a nightclub (PIC OF HIM)?

what do u look like cuz he is UUUGGGGLLLLYYYY!!!!! wtf?! who the heck wants strings attached?? wtf?!

What can I make for my friend's birthday?

My best friend's birthday is coming up (we're both about to be 18) and I want to buy her something, and make her something. I'm burnt out on friendship bracelets, and last year a crocheted this little stuffed animal (it was freakin' adorable) but what else could I make?

Would you do this trade? Why?

I wouldn't either. You're trading the top catcher in baseball - you should be getting elite talent back period.

I am addicted to all energy drinks(monster, red bull, amp, etc.) and i want to lose it or make it down ?

i drink on average about 2-5 energy drinks a week and i need to cut it down cuz i have noticed that i have been felling more tired then usuall and im only 13. i need help on how i should lose it or at least minimize...i can stop it by myself but i feel as if i quit i am getting rid of all m please

What is the cheapest cheapest way to get from north of Brazil Boa Vista or Manaus to Rio de Janeiro?

I want to travel from the south of Venezuela across to Brazil and then to Rio de Janeiro. Don't have a lot of money and wondered how I can make it happen. If anyone has done this type of travel before please let me know.

Help!!answer this question!!? there is a boy i like at my school,we aren't clmates but we were last school year,he knows that i like him,my friends too lol...we sometimes p each other during lunch,recess periods time we had a program at our school and i saw him at my back,me and my friend sat on the shed,i saw him look at me then turned and talked to his friend,my friend n i looked at him but my friend looked much longer,she said that he winked at me.Yesterday during lunch period,me and my friend ped by him,he was playing with a friend then he looked at me....

I want to teach myself kickboxing...?

I recently decided I wanted to take up kickboxing and figured I could teach myself. It was when I was searching for a punching bag and other things when I realized I have no idea what to get. How do I know what weight of bag or what kind of gloves or hand wraps (if I need any) to get? And any recommendations on training DVDs and trusted brands of equipment? Thanks in advance!! :)

Hey, i need help! girly stuff?

that must stink having a small bust. im 16 and have a 34 b. well i have heard of some well cream you just rub on them. lol im not sure it it works or not. when you get older, maybe a job? but dont make them too big cause then they just look really bad.

### pls help me ..... asap #### :(?

well... i am actually helping my friend .... there is a guy named Jake likes my friend(jess) ... when my friend knew bout that she started to avoid him by not reply his text msg and do not answer his calls .... when she do that Jake will respond by calling all of her friends to anoy them , so jess had no choice and stop avioding him .... after a week Jess got an idea , she ask one of her friend to pretend to be her boyfriend .... but Jake refuse to give up even though he really believe that Jess had a boy friend ..... Jake text her every hour and call her alot ... Jess also talked to him bout this by telling jake that she do not like him at all and told him to get lost BUT jake still wont give up and keep on annoy Jess ..... So , how to get rid of him ??? thanks

How do i copyright or trademark my work?

I have been making like tips, advice and quotes for people to relate to and read for awhile but they are all written down. I can put them online but if someone sees it they can take it and say its theirs. I just want to have like a website of my own that i can post everything i wrote to the public and not get it stolen

What would you do is your estranged female neighbor constantly spoke to your fiance in front of you?

Okay, here's my issue. I have a neighbor that lives 2 floors above me. She always speaks to my fianc� and even joked with him once when I was around but didn't say a word to me. I personally take this as an insult because she has a boyfriend that lives with her. When she speaks to him and only him with out him speaking to her I feel she's making a point to flirt. I am not jealous or anything but I can be at times and the only reason that I am not is because she's not attractive in the least. What I dislike is that I feel like she's disrespecting me. My fianc� said he sees my point and if the roles were reversed he's say something. I haven't said anything because I feel if he knows this than he shouldn't speak. I don't know what to say to stop this but he feels it's innocent. However, I am more than sure if I went out of my way to speak to a man (neighbor) on a regular he would think it was promiscuous behavior so I don't understand why he doesn't recognize this in her. Am I tripping?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Why did Rudy Giuliani go no where during the primaries? ?

In my opinion it's because of how the primaries are done. The states that held their primaries earlier were mostly states that he wouldn't even be expected to do well in but by the time those primaries were over and states he had a chance in held theirs the momentum had shifted to McCain and Giuliani didn't have enough money to keep campaigning. My state has closed primaries so I don't vote in those since I don't vote along party lines.

My sister is scaring me to death?

If this happens again, call the cops and have them search the whole house, and advise you on safety tips. This is part of their JOB! If you hear anything call 911. Don't go to ask your Mom.Losing one nights sleep at your age is easy to make up.I hope you have the dog in the room with you.

Got caught on bus by not paying bus fare, surprisingly now get a refund cheque 6 months later?!?

I think that with an oyster card which is valid, it is difficult to prove the guilt of the person concerned. Where a person shows an out of date p or a forged ticket (there used to be a lot of those around in London, produced by people adept at cutting and pasting), then you have something to brandish in front of the magistrates. Where there was no ticket at all, then the guilty party either has to plead guilty or produce a ticket to exculpate himself (which he can't do, as if he had been in a position to do that he wouldn't have been charged in the first place). But how do you demonstrate in court that any oyster card has not been swiped? Maybe this is the problem?

Help Starting a new business.?

i am looking to start a new business from my home. i wanted to use legal zoom to complete my tax information and my llc paperwork. once that is complete, i have a list of supplies i need to purchase to make sure i have what i need in my home office to begin. once i get my llc from legal zoom, can i then obtain credit in the companies name that doesn't effect my personal credit and purchase the aforementioned supplies ( computer, business cards, website built, misc office stuff, catalogs, stickers for catalogs, envelopes, fax machine, phone, ect)? Also I am currently on UE from being laid off, can i stay on UE and start my business? since i will not be turning a profit for a little while, and i will not be paying myself, is it legal to collect UE at the same time as i get my business built. if i missed anything can someone please fill me in as to what i would need to do. and maybe who i can speak with in regards to doing such a thing.

Will you tell me how my story sounds?

First Of All.. For Only Being 13 years old... you have a knack for writing.. for sure! Your very ..descriptive. But.. you are too wordy. Some of your sentence go on too long. Its not necessary. There is one rule when writing that your need to adhere to. "Show" don't tell. You need to make the people feel.. like they are the ones running in the rain. For example if your wet from the rain. Point made. You are dragging out/on an on. Don't. Keep the sentences powerful .. yet simple. Its not real easy to do. But.. you don't want to bore the reader. I have read plenty of books where I couldn't or didn't want to finish the book because the author bored me to tears. I have read other books that I did not .. want to put down and couldn't if I tried. Because .. the sentences made such a strong point.. and there were details and descriptions that said a lot in a short sentence. Then the reader moved it on. Dragging it one.. sounds like your dragging someone through the mud for pages. I loved it though! Your imagination was excellent. I would suggest at your age.. you take some individual cles somewhere for writing.. or creative writing. Also.. take and learn screen writing to write scripts for Hollywood. I read.. there are not many who do this skill well or master it. You can do that also. They make a lot of money. Start now.

Christians, if the state outlaws abortion and gay marriage, or requires the teaching of creationism/ID...?

isn't that the government interfering in religious disputes? Should interpretation and living of scripture depend on who has more political power at any given time rather than on the Holy Spirit?

What do I do about my husbands family?

My husband and I got married almost exactly 3 months ago... His family seemed lovely BEFORE we got married. I had various little problems with his sister here and there but I didn't realize that after we got married I would find out what this was really all about. His dad is the only one who didn't want us to get married because he felt like I was stealing his son from him. The sister well, she wanted to manipulate and control our relationship from day one. I did my best to stand my ground and not let her, so every chance she would get when he was at home, she would steal his phone and text me [starting fights, being rude and absolutely immature!]... His mother had no idea that the sister would steal my then fiance's phone and my fiance didn't realize it either until it was too late and she would have us to the point of breaking up!!! The week of our wedding my husband's mother kept bugging me wanting to help out, etc but EVERYTIME I would ask her to help out she would bail and leave me hanging. So it was really hard for me to not get a bad attitude towards his family during that crazy-busy week. All through my husband's and I's relationship I tried and tried my best to include them to family fuctions, bbq's. etc. My parents are photographers and we offered to do FREE family pictures for them and they would always decline. When my husband graduated his family wouldn't throw him a graduation party so my family did and invited them [in which they pouted the whole time]... After my husband and I got married -exactly 4 days later we found out a whole lot about his family and had NO WAY of preparing ourselves for what we were about to find out... His mother and sister had been stealing his SSI money and his paychecks from him. He knew about the paychecks [but I didn't] and his mother and sister had my family, myself and my husband under the impression he was not receiving SSI. One thing has led to another and we don't want ANY communication with his family AT ALL! But they don't want to except that... They have nearly gotten both of us fired from our jobs because they would go to my husbands work place and chase him around and he couldn't escape them. His workplace finally tresped them, so now they come to our house! Law enforcement won't help because they "want to put the family back together" when they don't understand how scared my husband really is of his family!!!! His mother and sister would keep him doped up on meds that made his easy to control and manipulate and also made him not remember anything. When he moved in with me [a month before we got married] I wouldn't let him take the meds anymore because he was basically incoherant all day. Now that my husband has been off the meds for a couple months and they should be completely out of his system... He is starting to remember things more. He has told me about different things his sister has done to him everything from [spitting, punching, kicking, throwing shoes at him, grabbing his , attempting to grab his , trying to sleep with him, trying to make him sleep with her, walking in on him when he's trying to take a bath and oogling his body and , trying to sit on his lap or snuggle with him on the couch, trying to wrap her legs around his under the table, etc etc etc].. I asked my husband how he would respond to her doing these things and he said he would get mad and tell her to stop that she has a husband and she's gross, that she is his sister. He told me that often times she would retaliate and get him in trouble or she would get really pissed off and start punching him. My husband is Deaf and his parents don't know hardly any sign, so it wasn't like he could tell them what was happening, and when he would try he would get in more trouble because his sister would yell and say he was hitting her. From my observation it's easier to listen to a hearing person that is yelling and whining, especially when they are VERY good at being fake and putting on the "innocent" act; than it is to listen to someone who is Deaf when his parents don't know sign and the sister is fluent with ASL. Just from hearing his dad talk about the mother and sister, they don't stop yelling and whining until they get their way. My husband I can honestly say would NEVER hit a woman. My husband's sister is 23 and she is married to a Marine that lives in Cali. She lives here with her mom and dad, where my husband used to live. My husband is several years younger than his sister. I'm scared to know anything more that my husband may or maynot remember in the future considering with as ual as his sister was to him... the What If's start running through my brain. His mother and sister seem more "obsessed & jealous" with me than anything, constantly wanting to know how i dress, what my clothes are like and how many I have, how I style my ha

Maria Sharapova raised to world #3 and claimed back Russian #1 status.?

I think despite her lost to Serena in QF of Charleston, Sharapova still raised to #3 and claimed back her Russian #1 status. She overtook Kuznetsova. Is it correct?

Is the Print Media on its way out?

With the advent of the Internet where news from around the world is readily and immediately available at no cost, and with the necessity to preserve the enviraonment it would appear that the Print Media is unnecessary and wasteful

I need to make a point to all Wilt Chamberlain lovers.?

He was a 7 footer that was as fast as most guards are in the NBA today. He was so unbelievably strong he used to lift up the back of cars as a workout. His footwork was incredible. His touch under the basket and strength to grab rebounds was unlike anything we've ever seen in the game of basketball. Sure, he played in an 'easier' era, but there is no denying that he had some unbelievable game. I have no doubt he would be the best Center in the NBA had he played today.

Have you ever noticed that People that name "Jews" as a problem seem to be evil?

There's something wrong with you if you blame a particular minority group for the worlds problems. If you have this affliction and have a good deal of power, can really be disastrous.

So I want a tramp stamp but....?

I'm 19 and I've decided I want a tramp stamp but i don't exactly know what text style I wanna use, like the style of lettering, or what kind of patterns I want on either side of the text( like vines, or tribal marks, or leaves or something). Has anyone gotten a tramp stamp that I could see pictures of? Or any text styles that are really pretty and easy to read?

Why are Chistians not still becoming atheists?

The Da vinci code movie clearly proves the flaws in Christianity..Why are Christians still not accepting the flaws?

What happens when Meiosis goes wrong?

I am writing a paper for cl and need to know what happens Meiosis goes wrong. Along with what diseases develop from it going wrong. Thanks!

Serious Question about liking friends ex , need advice :/ ?

okay so to start im 15 almost 16, and my one friend...we'll call her alexa ,is always trying to find me a guy and stuff cause i've never had a boyfriend .. well this kid in my homeroom ( carter ) , and my other friend ( steph ) , dated for about a month back in march or april . they broke up , and steph still liked him. alexa & carter are good friends , and alexa .. told carter to start talking to me ,and hes like i always wanted to talk to her actually.. and yeah so anyway monday, starts texting me , we talk 24 7, so much in common. he starts talkign to me in homeroom in person ,and we get along good. well i told steph me and him are friends and yeah, she was like ok. then itold a few friends i might like him a little, of course somehow steph found out, and im like well what do i do. and shes like its fine just go for him. and then to others shes likehow could she blah blah blah. they only dated a month..and he said she was jealous of girlfriends he had before they even knew eachother?! idk what do you think i should do ? summers soon so steph wouldnt even found out if we dated or not.. like idk. hes so nice.

Lately I have been having a bit of insomnia. She insists it is menopause.?

It is true that I am 40 but the women in my family have had children without fertility drugs into their 40's (healthy) It really upsets me because I haven't had kids and I just don't want to talk about it and I already had tests from my doctor and he says no you aren't in menopause. Why the second you turn 40 does everything have to be about menopause? I think it is insensitive

My ipod got deleted from my itunes?

k so i ordered my twilight tickets early on fandango and they gave me a free itunes download of bella's lullaby remix and so i clicked the on to get it and then went to my itunes to get it and it like deleted my ipod from my itunes how do i get it back on, i even replugged it in and my computer doesn't even acknowledge it

Smallville last weeks episode?

I was gone in st. louis with my brother and missed the show last thursday on cw i was wondering if i could see that episode somehow online for free.

Ladis, weird question bout grinding on strangers in public places?

yes this has happened to me....if the guy is hot (like u) then i do like it because i feel the physical attraction, but i don't let it happen again, instead, i move AWAY even though i liked it..oh & obviously, i do not push back! that's skanky.. i think you came across some dirty women.

Would knowing the truth be a turn off or endearing?

If the topic comes up, don't lie about your childhood. You don't have to tell every detail, but you can explain that you struggled and that you overcame difficult cirstances with your parents and their financial situation. He won't think less of you. I can completely relate because I also had a very abusive childhood, but I present the image of someone who is "put together." The guys I have told about my life respect me more for being strong enough to overcome my situation. I suspect your guy will admire you even more too, and will feel closer to you because he will know a bit about the real you and your life.

Did I find something weird?

The only thing I can add here, when my account got suspended... I did a check on ISP numbers to see where the reports came from. 4 were from Aust and 1 was from India...We all know there is only one person here who reports cos he cant get his own way... SO i would tend too agree with u

Where can i get a Fergie for Kipling Show Off Spry Print Triple Crossbody?

i been looking every for this bag (Fergie for Kipling Show Off Spry Print Triple Crossbody) but i cant find it and its not on eBags i just looked there please help me find it im so desperate please

Looking at this debacle in Georgia, am I the only one who wishes Nixon and Kissinger were running the show?

Or Reagan? Or Kennedy? We need some old-school Cold Warriors now more than ever. Some people who knew how to handle the Russians.

What to do if my child teacher is not following his 504 plan?

his teacher will not follow his 504 plan make him stay in for recess if he does not do his work the same day

Where to hunt quail in southern Nevada? Please 10 points.?

Every time I go bird hunting i get skunked. I am a pretty good hunter/shot gunner. I also have a map of guzzlers in SN. But this is a hard map to read and the guzzlers have not been producing. Help..please.

What are some good pop punk bands like Forever the sickest kids?

The Maine, Plain White T's, The White Tie Affair, Boys Like Girls, Red Car Wire, Rookie of the Year, Every Avenue

Can you recommend the best product to deter stretchmarks?

vitamin E will always fade scars and stretch marks...When i had a operation on my hips the only way i could fade the scars was by maging the vitamin into myself and it really has reduced redness and scarring significantly...also tea tree oil may be good also.

Find the average speed...?

If the average speed of a spaceship is 32 000 km/h, how long would it take to travel the 80 million kilometres from earth to mars? (give your answer in days)

Did the need for revenge cause Bush to take out Saddam for his father.Finish the job from desert storm.?

Revenge is evil and Bush told many he wanted to get Saddam if he became president.Yes Saddam is gone but the cancer of revenge remains and has spread among us.

Does the proactive refining mask work?? 10 points best answer!?

i have this zit thingy and if i put the refining mask will it be gone monday? please help me! i just really need to know what you think of it?

Help Me Lose Fat Please help?

This might not be the most righteous forum for this query, but since weight loss is a national epidemic, I was thinking that there is going to perhaps be some men or girls here, who have been on any weight loss plans at all. If you have some knowledge whatsoever please share.I am especially confused on what diet item to order, as there are so several alternatives in the market. The most recent hypes on Oprah like hoodia gordonii or green tea don't make this subject any more straightforward. I really don't have an idea where to start, should I get an exact weight loss program, routine of exercises...All I have come to understand is that an alteration is needed. And this change needs to take place now.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Should i be worried about her?

Your sister is in a little boy trouble try and give her advice and just give her time its nothing to worry about just watch that she doesn't get in any trouble but every 1 feels like this onnce in they life

Who should i start this week, flacco vs bengals or mcnabb vs texans?

McNabb is less than 100% and in an offense that hasn't come together yet. Flacco has the better set of receivers as well. I would play Flacco and wait for the Redskins to show something offensively before considering playing McNabb over Flacco any week.

What's the difference between covalent and covalence?

I got this on an online test earlier this week and I put down "covalence" while the "right" answer was "covalent." I'm checking on now and it says "covalence." This question is worth 3% on the test and can bump me up a letter so I want a triple check: what's the difference?

Why IN THE WORLD don't they sell this here?

I went to visit my country - czech republic - and had some french fries with their tartar sauce - it was delicious!!!! I hate the tartar sauce they sell in canada, but the tartar sauce in czech republic was sweet and VERY good I'm not even kidding. How come they don't sell it in canada and america, when it tastes so good? Why do they have to sell the blah tasting tartar sauce?

What's the name of the Paula Abdul song in Fame 2009?

I watched Fame 2009 and as the group are about to go into the kareoke club the woman on stage is singing a Paula Abdul song. Can anyone tell me the name of that song? First person to give me a youtube link to the right song gets 10 points!

What do you think of this from my story?

It seems good. =) You could publish this on if you'd like. That's a really good site.

Is my tongue-in-cheek sonnet humorous, thought-provoking, or both? Would you comment on Grand Roi's verse?

Does exactly what it says on the tin. The person above me has obviously had a sense of humour and poetry recognition byp.

What is an acceptable form of ID to get into a gig, as I don't have a pport?

I have an Oyster card with my photo on it, it doesnt have my DOB on it, but it does have a photograph, and states that I am 14-15. And I also have my birth certificate, although that doesnt have a picture on it obviously, and my surname was changed when I was 2 so I also have my statutory declaration about the name change. To get into the gig, I have to prove I am 14, which I am, but will I have to bring all 3 of these doents along to prove it, and would that even be accepted. Argh help please, because my ticket has already been ordered :S

Is 50Cent and Ciara are dating.?

I think there dating because in 106 & Park Terrence and Roxy said if Ciara was dating 50Cent and Ciara said mine your business.

In To Kill a Mockingbird, who is more courageous?

In your opinion, who is more courageous in the book "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee, Jean Louise "Scout" Finch, or Jeremy Atticus "Jem" Finch?

Can i send Windows Mobile games to my smartphone via a MicroSD card?

It seems to be the easiest way to send games to my fon but my Samsung Blackjack does not 'see' them on the Micro SD card. I can't use my Active Sync to do this directly with my PC because i use Vista and don't own a licensed copy of Microsoft Office. Can anybody help?

I love my wife with all of my heart! Why doesn't she trust me?

I could never explain how much my wife means to me. She is my whole life. I truly believe that I have married the most beautiful woman on earth! Whats the problem then, you ask? She doesn't trust me. She always thinks that I have something to hide or that I have some sort of underlying motives. The main issue is faithfulness. Let me begin by saying that from day one, I have been completely faithful to her in every way. I do not have any desires for other women, nor do I even think about other women in that way. I see them as people like anyone else. Still, she refuses to believe me. She accuses me, sometimes very frequently, and with no reason, of being attracted, thinking about, or fantasizing over other women. When she asks me these questions, I tell her the truth, that she is the only woman I think about. To cut a long story short: Today, she begins to accuse me again and during the argument, she asks if I have ever thought another woman is pretty. I always tell her the truth, so I said yes. She really flipped out! Is that wrong? It's not like I see a woman and judge,"pretty, not pretty, pretty, not pretty." I don't think about that unless someone was to ask. I want to be able to explain that it would be no different that for me to say a man is handsome. Pretty is not a synonym to attractive, y, or even beautiful. I have told her time and time again that she is the most beautiful woman in the whole world and that I love her in the truest and most devoted sense of the word. Where do I go from there? How can I convince her? Why does she do this?

Pokemon Platinum team?

NASTY TEAM... but, for Roserade get ride of petal dance cause it is a special attacker not a physical, put leaf storm.

Any topic suggestions for my senior project's persuasive research essay?

I am planning on doing weight training and eating a 'balanced diet' for my senior project, but I don't know what to write about for my research essay. The essay topic should be vaguely similar to what I'm doing for my senior project (it can even be about fast food or teen's eating habits), but it needs to persuasive and can't be on an obvious and well-accepted fact(I can't say "fast food is bad for you" or "eating a balanced diet is good for you"). The only thing I can think up of is to tackle the low carb diet craze (Atkins, South Beach) as unhealthy and that carbs are good for you. Any other suggestions? Thanks.

What should I tell the hairdresser ?

Graduated choppy layers w/ a side bang. Take the pictures too, and describe what you want and ask her what she thinks about it and how she thinks you can achieve the look w/ simply styling and if she sounds like she's talking about what you want then you're in luck, if not, try to browse thought their portfolios or look-books for similar cuts

Popping sensation in lower abdominal?

Earlier today I went to the bathroom and I noticed I had a dark stool almost black and i'm really scared, I ate some skittles about 2 days ago could this be the reason for my darkened stool? and another thing is when I lift my right leg up to cross it I feel a popping sensation in my lower abdominal but it only happens on my right side do you think I have something wrong with me should I go get checked out? Sorry I'm only 17 and i'm a girl so I get really scared lol but does it sound like a have any intestinal problems? or is it my groin popping? please help :/

Why is the Geico lizard British?

I mean I have no problems with it afterall I am Brit living in the States by why the London accent and not something more local?

I need a symbolic representation of J.K Rowling?

Hey guys!! i need help for my english summative, i have to find/make a symbolic representation of J.K Rowling. something that represents her life/experinces/personality. Thankx!!

Should i withdraw from this cl?

i failed a midterm very, very badly (like a 35 percent), but i need it for my's a physics cl which is required for chemistry; it will set me back a semester, but I'm not sure if a withdraw would look bad or not? Our midterms each are only 10 percent of our grade and I'm doing well on homeworks, but I'm afraid that it would be bad for my gpa. should i withdraw and retake it next semester?

I recieved an email abt the prize money off 250000 US$ bcoz of a lotto done with co orpeartion with yahoo.t/f?

i want to know whether it is true/not. it says that all email providers and bill gates sponsered it so please answer me frankly

Is there a difference between kickboxing and "aerobics" kickboxing?

Kick box is just the most used stance and you don't do many aerobic moves.This is why I don't like kick box so much.

Help me come up with a book title, please?

Sounds a lot like the "Lightning Thief" series by Rick Riordan. You might want to tweak the storyline.

Help with fibre questions?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Who was the best Joker?

Better Joker? Let's see we have Cesar Romero, Mark Hamill, Jack Nicholson & Heath Ledger. Who, iyo, was the best? Or you can choose two in different categories: scariest, funniest or make up your own.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Do you think MLB players still use corked bats in games?

I remember Sammy Sosa getting caught a little while back, but you just don't hear about it as much as when I was younger.

Sodium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid?

How do you know whether a reaction has taken place when these substances mix. Does the solution change color? Is a precipitate formed?


sh1t, thats expensive... go with the 14 foot one, you have more room. i think you can bounce higher on a 12, though

How does my lineup look like for week 13?

your lineup looks good.. The only thing that I might change is you DEF. I probably would put Tennessee in over Seattle.

Do you know where I can get a Hilary Duff Come Clean/Coming Clean Karaoke CD?

It has to be from a trustworthy store, it has to be shipped in 8 days or less, and it has to be affordable.

Divers, what's the most annoying question you're asked?

Ummmm. im not a diver, im a swimmer lol. but an annoying question ive heard asked to divers is "Do you ever bellyflop?" I mean of course people bellyflop!

How to report when hackers are trying to probe at your system?

I use Firestarter, a firewall program. It picks up when someone is attempting to make a give me the time, port, source, protocol, and service. Is this enough information to report them? and if so, how do I do it?

Why would two women always be kissing on the lips?

I was with my two friends (we are all women) and my friend Sara asked our friend Lisa for $20 till tomorrow. Lisa looked kinda pissed but handed to her. Then when they thought I wasnt looking Sarah grabbed LIsa as she walked by and pulled her in for a big lip kiss to make her feel better I guess. Thing is she does that to her a lot. She doesnt kiss me like that. hmmmm

Is han solo and chewbacca poor?

cause they have the milium falcon and it's huge, but han's always in debt... and do they live on it?

I hate cena what signs should i write for wrestling? About Johnathan Felix Anthony Cena Junior?

you should make a sign that says "hey cena...F.U." im sure he'll get the hint that youre not talking about a finishing move!

Which mobile or PDA supports JVM(java vetual machine) file?

I'm not able to open online trading terminal through the gprs service provided by the network provider.Do i need any other type of internet to my phone or this feature is not available to any phone..............

What's this song?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

I think Kelly Clarkson sings this song, I forgot what it was called. It's one of her newer ones..I heard it on Top 20 countdown this morning as the 3rd top song....and this other one with sean kingston..something about 911...

What kind of skin condition is this..??

I use head and shoulders and a dandruff shampoo with salyic acid and it helps with any skin problems I have.

When do I need to get a base grind for my snowboard?

I got a new board at the beginning of this season, and have probably rode it about 20 days, in Pocono weather conditions, which seem to beat up the base and edges quite a lot. i have made a few base repairs with p tex candles, im not sure if that really matters. Should i get a base grind? ( I want my board in top shape since im going to park city later on.) If this isn't enough information, please let me know what a good indication of needing a base grind is. I hope someone can help. thanks in advance.

What is the average amount of hours does a person stay awake for on an average day?

i am just curious to what is the average amount of hours a person is awake for in a day. i am usually awake for abut 12 hours and sleep 8 hours. is this normal??

Hey there need advice from someone who immigrated from canada to the Uk on a fiance visa?

im quaking in my boots...i live in canada and am applying to immigrate to the uk.on a fiance visa...we have registered the wedding with the registrars ofice already,..he is employed, has a residence..i stayed with him for 6 mos and have known him 2 yrs...what i want to know is what are they going to look at concerning me(ie credit rating, employability etc) and what are they going to look at or dig into concerning him...ive heard that they are more concerned that the marriage is legit and that he can support me financially, but im not sure...its a really nerve racking process..alot of details would be so much appreciated.thanx

Where can I find a descent swim suit?

Help! I am looking for a new bikini. I can't find anything I like in the stores that covers your and is low rise without showing your crack. I am a physically fit mother of two but I don't want to show any unneccessary parts of my backside on the beach when I bend down to take care of my kids.

Christians -- do you view the Bible as an "all or none" kind of book?

I view it as "imperfect historical record written by humans, but generally conveys a true message". It's not something to live by 100% but its a general guide to life. It's not saying dont have fun its saying dont have reckless fun. It's not saying you'll go to hell it's saying you'll live the rest of your life miserable due to your bad actions, like someone that has a bad reputation. They will always be looked down on by someone.

Does anyone know the name and artist of this song?

the words say something about she eats rudy's she shop's at big T's theres nothing like a gurl from the d.......i think t pain sings the hook

Why is my living room always cold?

We have the same insulation throughout the house, yet the living room is very cold. This home has an upstairs as well. We have Anderson windows double paned, and no air is getting in anywhere that I know of. I went along the walls and windows top to bottom checking for drafts, but nothing. We do have a gas fireplace, but no cold air is coming in there. We have three heating vents in that room as well and are opened. Most of our winter winds come from the other direction not hitting the living room. Am I missing something here? This is a new home.

Does anyone know of a good artist that does odd/fantasy art?

Can anyone tell me of a good artist that is kind of like David Morris and M.C. Escher. Someone that does odd, kind of fantasy art. Not photography, though, and not like abstract. Thank you

A website for making proposition bets?

The best site that I have used for proposition bets is a href="" rel="nofollow" They always have lots of props, more than any other site that I have used. Use bonus code FREEMONEY20 to cash in on their best bonus package. You will find a complete independent review of at a href="" rel="nofollow"

In seek of a helping hand. School "solution" which doesn't seem right to me?

In all honesty, the superintendant has much more to deal with than a student being upset that his teacher called him lazy. If true verbal, physical or ual abuse is being done- then you should speak to the police. Being called lazy- while not ideal- is not abuse. Please let your administrators do their job. You teacher is not agianst you no matter how much you want to think this is true. He simply wants you to excel and work harder. You are obviously not working up to your ability and you seem like a very intelligent student. Prove the teacher wrong!

The staue at the top of the capitol building?

Does anybody know the name of the lady at the top of the capitol building... all i keep getting is "The Statue of Freedom" and i want to know her real name and where she originated from

What happens if you have 3/6 + bonus in lotto 6/49?

It would not hurt to have your ticket validated that way you can see what you won just to be on the safe side? Hope my answer was helpful?

Saturday, August 13, 2011

How many of you are going to purchase Zelda Skyward Sword for the Wii?

I'm definitely getting this. I don't know how it will compare to Ocarina of Time or any of the other Zelda games, but there are a lot of things about this game that I'm really excited about, especially the motion controls and what I've heard about the story so far. The orchestrated music and beautiful graphics are a bonus :)

What do u think of my dressing?

can,t tell if male or female kinda shaped like a female, if not, your jeans are tooooooooooooo tight shirt is got to go to...if female shoes got to go the rest is ok

Has America become the land of the greedy and home of the crooks?

Recent developments revealing widespread political corruption, arresting of federal officials such as the Governor of Illinois, Mayor of Birmingham, indictment of Thomas Jefferson of Louisiana, corrupt Wall Street firms,Elliott Spitzer,etc,etc, etc, lead us to believe that we are a nation of crooks represented by crooks.

How can you criticize my personality?

Maybe becuase of what happens in your past. You want that feeling of security and that someone loves you. Your wife could like treating you this way because you dont oppose her and becuase shes nurturing but dont le her make all the decisions if you dont agree. Try giving some opinions so that she knows your trying to help. Maybe u could even ask her opinion on this. Try making your own decisions slowly but dont make rash decisions.

Whats a good song to sing for the talent show that's by a girl and came out within the last year?

I have been told i have a really good singing voice so i want to try it out on the talent show and i really want to sing a song thats new something that came out within the last year. Something kinda pop-ish like fergie, rhianna, beyonce, taylor swift etc.

I'm missing half a tooth but i'm not allowed pain killers, how can i get rid of the pain?

i'm uming by personal reasons, you mean you are unable to take narcotic pain relievers. I would suggest you use over the counter naproxen for the time being or apply some topical orajel to the area.

What dietary aides have you used?

just wondering which dietary aides you've used to help you lose weight and if any of them actually helped.

What the heck happened to country music?

Wow, I just flipped to cmt again and it's still crap. I'm mainly talking about modern country music. Not the older great country music like 50's to early 90's, that stuffs great. Just this mainstream retarded doesnt sound anything like country or music type junk. I love red dirt Texas music and am still wondering why this junky nashville crap is all over growing like a fungus. I mean bon jovi,jessica simpson and hootie are singing "country " now, really?? Ugghhhhh, what a joke. Why do losers always find country music as a last resort? Anyway cmt and gac are mostly nany 911 and wife swap now, so who cares right? As long as I can still get my "real" country music off of frostwire I'm happy. What is your take?

17 and hurting.?

its stopping u cause ur making it stop u. duh. be who u r and feel comfortable with who ur with. live life to its fullest. thinkin and whinning about if u r or plain nasty. i get off to all and im the happiest foo around. :)

How to get your mother friends?

So I really need help making my mom friends. As I grow older, I have noticed that she seems lonely a lot and I think she has a very negative/cynical view about life now. I think it would really help if she had friends, or just some people to get her out of the house every now and then just so she doesn't sit home night after night watching Entertainment Tonight and Lifetime. It seriously breaks my heart whenever I leave my home to the same scene every night. Some nights I'll forfeit hanging out with other people to watch TV with her, but I can't do this too often otherwise I'll get depressed. The problem is I don't even know how to introduce her to people. I've talked to my Dad (they're divorced) and he told me that my mother has always sort of been a loner and that she prefers it this way, but I really care to differ because she has event talked to me about being lonely once. The problem is I don't even know how to get her friends. She is SO SHY around people her age and not going to lie, I think she has social anxiety issues because she acts really weird when is social situations with people her age. How can I introduce her to people or find ways for her to get out of the house? How can I get her friends so she doesn't feel so alone? I feel like she wants to but suffers from social anxiety and is just too scared to try. I'm not going to live with my mom for much longer and I'm really worried about her :(

Am I wrong to expect monogamy?

Definitely sleezy. You did tell him you didn't want to date someone who was involved with someone else. He should have respected it.

Buying a guinea pig????????????

My aunt is wanting to get a guinea pig for her granddaughter for her birthday. i had them when i was little and loved them, so i recommended she get one for her. the problem is, when i was little, we bought them from the petstore. we didn't know better, and one even died when she was just a baby. her back legs were paralyzed for some reason and she got very sick. it was terrible. so i don't want her to go to petco (or any other petstore) to get her a guinea pig. my question is, where else can you get guinea pigs? do people breed them at their homes? would the local paper be a good place to find them? thanks for your answers.

Why does the media portray Muslims to be extraordinarily violent?

Especially when Israel has now killed nearly 500 in the strip and the US is responsible for 1/2 million Iraqi deaths. Sure ome muslims are violent but isn't it once again, unfair to group a certain people as collectively violent? The violent hotspots in the middle east happen to be where christians (US) or jews are either invading or occupying, or oppressing. You go to dubai, abu dabi, life's great??

Biology Question please?

The stomata will close. Stomata are responsible for transpiration, a process through which plants give off water. If a plant is losing water, then it will want to stop giving out water to the environment to save water for itself. Open stomata let water out and in the case the plant wants to keep the water in.

On Lego Indiana Jones, how do you get in the other holes. In the artifact room, Young Indy and how others?

for young Indy, collect all the artifact pieces in Raiders of the lost ark. for ancient city, collect all the artifact pieces in temple of doom, and for warehouse, collect all the artifact pieces in the last crusade. (artifact pieces are the chests) Then go to Indy's office and gather the boxes, place them in the center piece, build them into a box, break the box, pick up the key, and go to the artifact room, place the key in mechanism, turn key and it opens holes in ground. if you already collected the pieces, the stages should be open. (for Indy's office you will need the explosion, academic, gl-shatter, tiny-size, digging, high jump, and thuggee abilities)

A Question about the Vietnam War: Is this statement true?

Yes, fairly accurate. The main life endangered was usually your own. Didn't want to be stoned when Charlie came calling.

Is it inappropriate of a news channel?

That Fox News is currently using "Christmas" to proselytize Christianity onto their viewers? Is that really appropriate for a NEWS CHANNEL? Why are they trying to reinforce their Christian philosophies on everyone, putting their newscasters in a Christian church and singing hymns? is this all that's left?

Wireless internet on laptop with built-in antenna?

Probably because the laptop detects the Link-Sys wireless box, but for some odd reason it wont connect to it, and it works well on the Desktop just like you mentioned...Does the Laptop have a built in Ethernet port? You can plug a blue network cable and plug it to the Link-Sys box, and you can try to connect it. But I prefer doing this wireless if its on a Laptop.

Dad's malaysian, me singaporean, my gf vietnamese + pregnant. Want her to stay in malaysia with dad possible?

My dad is a malaysian, i am a singaporean, my girlfriend is a vietnamese and just got pregnant. I want her to stay in malaysia with my dad. So that i can stay with her and come in to singapore to work as well. is it possible. Will someone give me an idea of what i should do?

Doctorate Brown, MIT, Cornell, etc: chances for nontraditional student?

Yes, I'd say the issue with low grades could be a stumbling block. Sure, you can make excuses, but the truth is grades are considered, as are writing samples, GRE results, reference letters etc. Schools simply don't have to admit students who aren't consistent top achievers. Saying that, if you get the chance to meet the people making the decisions and get in there and make a positive impression and have references that are very strong you might have a chance. I wouldn't limit myself to Ivey schools either. The school's name brand doesn't matter as much as the actual work you produce as a grad student and the professor you work with.

Does anybody else thinks that JBL will win at No Way Out?

Look if you have Shawn win and go on to wrestlemania having his own opponent, it would be kinda awkward you know because we've seen 3 months of Michaels/JBL and suddenly hes by himself. I think JBLs gonna win at No way out and on the next RAW Since JBL is HBK's Owner, JBL tells HBK his next job is to end Undertaker's Wrestlemania Streak. And then have Taker win, then make JBL vs HBK at Backlash instead.

Speeding up the metabolism ?

what would you suggest to take to speed up the metabolism, any herbs, vitamins, dietary supplements anything helps :)

Ways to relieve stress ?

i agree with the first comment about meditation. it does wonders. however some people do not have the time or will to want to try and learn meditation from a book. dont you worry there are alot of meditation sound tracks out there. what i use is the Chakra meditation kit by amy zerner and monte farber. in the kit it comes with a book about the basics, and has cards, but it also has a cd. the cd is self explanatory the voice actually tells you what to do. such as on the first track it tells you how to relax a bit, so all you have to do is sit or lay down close your eyes and listen. ive been interpreted a few times during my meditation and i must tell you i feel a million times better, less stressed out less tired. now when i dont get interpreted its usually at the end of the day at night so i fall asleep and in the morning i feel full of energy no stress and alot better than what i was before i fell asleep. now i paid money for my kit but im sure if you look hard you can find yourself some free tracks. mybe try youtube first to see if you find some tracks ont here in the videos, and if so just download them and play them on your computer when your offline or in the need for some relaxation.

How do you justify lying to the kids about the existence of Santa Claus?

My heart goes out to all the little children who are hurt by the Santa story. . . My own believed in Santa, but I was a little more delicate in explaining him to my children. . . Can you imagine how the extremely poor children, or the orphans of the past, must have felt when Santa brought nothing . . . how unloved they must have felt ! This question poses a very good lesson in life, and should be brought up every year, just like the letter. . "Yes Virginia there is a Santa Claus" People forget what Christmas is all about. . Everything is just too commercialized !! Thanks blu for sharing your pain and disillusionment............

Friday, August 12, 2011

What is a good broadway solo to sing for trying out for a kid role?

I'm 16, and am mostly a tenor, just can't sing the really high stuff. We're doing All Shook Up and I'm trying out fore Dennis, but I can't really find any good song that a kid sings. Any suggestions?

MY LIPS ARE SWOLLEN !!! please answer fast !!!?

Okay so i was drinking a root beer and it was in a gl bottle and i got bored so i sucked on the top of it and my lips got stuck inside of it well now they are about an inch thick each and the swelling hasnt gone down and its been like 5 minutes what should i do ! i'v already told my parents and they said not to worry about it but im worried will they be stuck like this forever i mean it feels like the fat in my lips all moved to the front

How long will my leg take to heal?

hi 8 weeks ago whilst in canada my left leg went down deep snow and i fell forward,for 2 weeks it was agony and i could barely walk,i rested it with ice and a support.when i got home i went to the doc who said it was a ligament,she gave me pain killers and gel to rub on,i can walk on the leg fine now but my knee feels really tight and locks if i kneel also the calf muscle really hurts if i turn my foot inwards,its also painfull when sleeping especialy if i rest my good leg on it,im still walking but when i rest it swells and really throbs.can anyone give any idea what this injury is and how long it will take to heal?i cant exercise or anything and its getting me down

I bought a Intel CPU in a Forum, but was miss sold Want a refund, how law can help me?

I recently bought an Intel CUP in a Forum when I asked the seller if the Model was D0 steeping he response affirmative (I paid by cheque) but when I receive was a different version, I asked for a refund but he asked me to return it first at my expenses before he can give me a refund, I don't trust this person anymore, what can I do? how the law can help me this time? thanks

Okay xbox live hlp?

On my xbox 360...i need help playing xbox live...i am connected wirelessly to my router....i test network connection and xbox live conenction and every p tests...i can easily sign into xbox live and talk with friends via message...but i can't talk to them...everytime i try it says it could not carry out the process...and everytime i try to join a friend it says.could not join the session in progress...and when i try to play live on my own, it says you must have an active network connection to play online....and sometimes it even randomly signs me out>???what is the problem somebody please help is it my router ?or what ...Router =Netgear Rangemax Wireless-N Router WNR834B...please help.

Romeo and Juliet-The balcony scene ACT 2 SCENE 1 help me please!10points?

seriously...this isn't help...this is trying to get someone else to do your work for you. these are very simply question in which the answer would be very obvious if you read the story. come on, there's even a movie about this damn show. wasn't this show set in italy?!?!

Using another persons oyster card ?

Hello, I want to ask you whats the worst case scenario in this situation. I used another person oyster card, it is about a photocard, and I was taken my details and told I may face a court prosecution. I want to know what does it mean, and what I can do to minimize the risk ?

Which paintball gun is better Spyder Pilot 08 OR Spyder VS2?

Spyder VS2... you can buy a new one for $100 or factory refurbished for $70 (check out ANS Gear and Action Village.)

What will be the next popular form of government?

Direct democracy used to be the big thing of ancient city-states, but then monarchy became the favored mode of government during the Middle Ages. Now the majority of nations in the world are republics. So in keeping with this trend, any chance that we will see the world switch from republics to another "fad" form of government? If so, when and what will it be?

What do you think of my poems?

Hey you have some style there, rhyme and rythm and careful if non-chalant wording. Sounds good to me way to go!

Can you use microfiber as bedding for guinea pig?

I'm planning to build a guinea pig cage however fleece is not available in my area. Can I use microfiber instead? Or if you could, please suggest other alternatives. I can't use woodshavings because they cost too much plus I have to pay for shipping. So I'm looking for reusable beddings.

If i upgrade my Sirius radio do i have to buy a new one or does it automatically give me the channels i want?

I'm uming that you mean that you want to upgrade your programming package. Yes, the new channels will automatically be added to your receiver.

How are isotopes of the same element alike?

In their elemental form (no charge) they are going to have the same number of electrons and protons. Only the neutrons will differ.

Would you like it if you were born on the 29th of February???

I think it is so boring bec you wont get to celebrate your birthday every year instead you will have to wait fir 4 yrs dont you think thats a long time for your b day to arrive

Help with my half- sleeve tattoo?

i want the center piece to be rosie the riveter holding a baby.... but what else would possibly go with that? what could i use as a back ground? plz help.. im in desperate need of ideas

Is Deism actually widespread in America?

I think Deism is quite widespread in America among thinking people. However, many of them don't necessary identify themselves as "Deists" but when discussing their beliefs it seems that they agree with Deism on all points.

Embaressing question help?

lol that's the funniest story i've heard on yahoo answers ! it looks like he didn't care if you farted on his stomach because he called you and wants to hang out with you again. Maybe you should be honest with him and say hey sorry about farting on you last night, but i was too embaressed to tell you that i get gy and bloated when i eat ice cream and didn't want to say no. He will understand...i'm sure he will want to do it with you again...just remember not to eat anything dairy whenever he comes over for y time

What is meant by gauge?

grintable's answer is close, but insufficiently general. Recall that in clical EM theory, we are primarily interested in the magnetic vector potential A because it's curl is the magnetic field B. That means you can add any vector function of position you want to A and still get the same B, as long as its curl is zero. The curl free component of A, then, identifies its gauge.

How Come TNA Still Can Not Compete With The WWE In Ratings Even Though TNA Has A Lot Of Star Power?

Even though TNA has household names who used to wrestle in the WWE like Ric Flair, Mr. Anderson, Jeff Hardy, Hulk Hogan, Kurt Angle, Mickie James, Rob Van Dam, etc why is that TNA's ratings are still pathetic. Is it because they are in a very unpopular network like Spike Tv which very few people watch. Obviously Spike Tv is not a household name like the USA Network or even the Sci-Fi Channel.

Christians, can you ask for forgiveness to god after your death?

Not if you are Catholic, has to be before. But in your favour, a life doing good Catholic deeds can sway the jury. Won't sway the jury if you are a Christian though, good deeds count for squat.

What is a career that deals with literature?

i really enjoy reading and yzing clic literature like edgar allan poe and charles ens and all that, but what would be a career that would deal with that? besides being an author or a school teacher, i have no interest in that at all.

What happens to some one in the Air Force DEP? after a year?

what happens if someone is in DEP for more than a year what happens does he have to re enlist or they will make sure that he get a date with in a year?

Is Denver Colorado Safe.?

I am moving to Denver Colorado. I found an Apt. in Capitol Hill on Corona St. It's this area safe to live? Can someone tell me about that area? I heard some not too good things about Capitol Hill, but I am not sure if all is true..please I need some info about that street and the area...Thank you!

Affirmative Action?

Simple question, Is Affirmative Action a necessary law to inure that the ills of the past are rectified? Or is it unnecessary discrimination based upon race that has no place in the college admissions process?

Is "The Pearl" by John Steinbeck an epic? Why/why not?

It is not an Epic. Epics are stories that cover a long period of time; years, decades, or even centuries. The Pearl takes place in a relatively short period of time.

First time car buyer with 50% down and still got a high interest rate?

My gf just turned 18 and has no credit. We bought a car from Carmax and put a down payment of $10,500. The car costs $19,748. The Carmax financing is giving her 14% interest even with the down payment of more than 50%!!!! Besides getting a co-signer, is there any way to get a lower rate? And no, we cant use my credit because I just finished paying off 4 maxed out/over limit cards so my rate would probably be higher....

President Barack Obama is acting politically like Bush. Do you agree with this statement?

The President of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez is saying to the world that the new U.S. President, Barack Obama, like Bush is acting politically. Do you agree with this statement?

Rate my 2009 Fantasy Team!?

Overall that is a great team for a 12 team league. Not sure who you are playing with but they obviously need some help. You seem to have an abundance of closers and you could use a better 3rd OF then Hunter so i would package a closer and erson for a better 3rd OF option.

Guys do u feel satisfied?

ok basically im a one at a time guy i like to find a girl im really into and then go out but once again it hasnt worked out and it sucks i get girls say to me dont become like other guys but its so annoying what i want to know does going to clubs and just getting with a girl leave u satisfied or just leave u feeling lonely after

Bush scape goat?

Why is everything bush's fault? Have the sheep out there forgotten that we don't live in a monarchy? Congress comes up with spending plans, agreed to go to war, they're the ones that come up with the laws. Bush just o.k.'s or veto's them and even if he veto's them congress has ways of ping them anyway. Everyone hates Bush but they have nothing but sympathy for that murderer Kennedy.

Will Smackdown be the new A show with all of this new talent from the supplemental draft.?

Yeah I hate to say it. I am very pised about the draft. They wasted draft picks. It is all messed up. The tag teams are split up. The cruiserweights are all on raw why you need to put all on them all smackdown and bring back the crusierweight title. I am close to not watching wwe at all,. They don't care and it pisses me off. We pay or money to see them and this is the thanks we get.

Where to Find Gatsby in Mississauga, Ontario?!?

Hey, i heard how great gatsby is, but where am i supposed to find it in Mississauga! or let alone, Ontario? (Not from Ebay, or Online Stores)

Will they ever find a cure for Cystic Fibrosis?

When my son was diagnosed at 3 months old the doctors told us that the cure was in sight. That they were so close to having a cure that the CF Foundation was on a month to month lease in anticipation of not being needed any more. That was 12 years ago. So where is the cure?

Broken sternum hereditary?

I'm 19 years old. i was in a car accident as a penger. I broke 2 ribs on my left side. My L2 vertebrate. And my sternum. It's been 3 weeks since my back surgery, they put in 2 rods. Right now my sternum is still raised, i'm uming the bone is inflamed or something. but I feel it and it's noticeable to me. I was wondering...if I let it heal and it stays like that--- when i have kids someday, will they have raised sternums too? or something abnormal? ...It's good to be alive, i'm thankful everyday. just a thought that came across my mind.

In layman's terms, what is a lumbar disc extrusion?

I had an MRI that indicated I have an L5-S1 degenerative disc disease with right lateral recess and proximal foraminal annular tear and extruded disc material with probable right S1 nerve root compromise. What does this mean?

Rate my madden online franchise team?

Ok has alot of holes though there like a 2010 Atlanta Falcons win games but yet like Seattle Drop alot of games

Thursday, August 11, 2011

My boyfriend doesn't agree with me?

i guess you could say that i am very set in my boy friend is always complaining abut my pubic hair..i feel like what makes me a woman is respecting my body and leaving what god put on my body so i dont shave....anywhere...and he cant stand it! i feel like he doesnt accept me for who i am...he calls is my george w "bush" what should i do?

Is my sound causing the BSOD's? (Blue Screen of Death)?

Im not sure but as far as I know XP 64bit is unstable..They say it has many bugs. But yes I guess from the name RTKHDA64.sys would sound to me as Realtek High-Def Audio_64.sys I guess. I recommend put your motherboard's CD in your optical drive and look for the audio driver and install it. Because your copy of XP probably installed the wrong drivers for the sound card in your motherboard. I would prefer to look for the driver that says for WinXP64 or WinXP64bit or whatever that is similar to that, if only if it is available in the motherboard's CD though. That should stop the BSODs

What do you think of this paper?

Wow; that's too much reading for me to do, but it looks great; I skimmed through it and it looks like a perfect A+ to me :D BTW, great use of words ;)

What's the song from the lincion commercial?

I know the first one is the girl singing the Elton John song but I would like to know the other one!

Show me an example where maximum profit is not where marginal revenue equals marginal costs.?

I should find special cases where the profit maximization is not where the marginal revenue equals marginal costs. That's all what we got...

List all known triple distilled liquors.?

If you are killing candida through low-carb low-fermentation low-yeast eating then the only liquors you can drink are 'triple-distilled' ones such as vodka or gin. However some but not all (I think) tequilas, scotches, whiskeys, bourbons etc. are supposedly triple-distilled. How do you know? Is there a list somewhere?

Can I fly with my congested ear?

Whenever I push on the inside of my ear with the little tabby thingy on my ear, it makes a bubbly noise and it has been there for a while. I am going on a 45 minute plane ride and i need to be able to make it through it!

Arrested for "begging", and "loitering".?

Hi, In most jurisdictions, you have to have a permit to 'beg'. However, since you were charged and arrested you have probably spent a night or two in jail. You either had to make bond or were released on your own recognizance in order to have access to this computer you are using. I wouldn't worry about it. Its a minor misdemeanor and what little sentence you may receive is not going to do you in. If it's a few days in jail, at least you will have food to eat. Having this type of misdemeanor on your record is not likely to prohibit you from going on with your life. If you were a juvenile it would be expunged. However, you can ask the Judge if it could be expunged if you complete any given sentence. It's up to him. PBT stand for Preliminary Breath Test. JOSA

Atkins diet question...?

First of all, I am on my 4th day of the induction phase of the Atkins diet plan, and I have been doing wonderful. One question is...I am making corned beef for dinner for myself and my family, the label on the corned beef says it contains no carbs, but I have never seen it on an approved atkins list. Can I eat it? Second question...can I boil the potatoes and carrots in the same pot with the meat? I am only going to eat the meat, but with it being cooked together am I going to have to add a carb count to my meat? Thanks in advance for any helpful answers.

Where can i get bb guns in kuala lumpur or malaysia?

hi i used to live in bangkok and i had tones of airsoft guns, really powerful ones which make u bleed. except in KL i cant even find little crappy spring 1s. does any1 noe where to get bb guns in KL? spring or electric it dosnt matter? and when iv looked at the answers that other askers got, all ppl say is why do u want a bb gun?, if u dont have any useful infomation pls dont answer!

What do you think about BJ Upton this year? projections?

I have very high hopes for B.J. Upton this season, as do a lot of scouts. He's having a bit of a setback with his current injury, but he shuold only miss the first road trip of the regular season. Other than that I think he's set for a big year judging by his spectacular playoff performance last season.

How hard is swine flu being sold to americans this year?

Is it the end of the world like it was last year? Is bird flu set for a come back? Wheres the Sars gone?

How should i wear my hair for sadies?

my hair is about an inch past my shoulder with layers and its light brown. i have no clue what i should do with it.

Why is the united states international political affiliations very low?

Because we have no respect for international law? Because we exploit the world's people and resources? Because we use our ridiculously high priced military to invade sovereign nations on a whim, killing thousands and destroying the infrastructure? Because we refuse to sign important treaties like Kyoto and land mine cessation? Because our president is an incoherent, babbling, disingenuous idiot? Because we have abandoned our traditional position as role model and leader of the world?

Does Jon Bon Jovi believe in Jesus Christ?

The only person who can answer your question is Jon himself. From his answers you will know if his talk matches his walk. As Scripture says, "You will know them by their fruit."

Menu? plz hlp!?

in about a month i am having a bunch of family over for my first cooking etempt. my mom usualy does it. i am lookin 4 an awesome well prepared diiner and desert. i want everthing to go perfect. plz hlp.

Is it tru or false that as long as you're drinking 8 gles of water per day you're getting all you need?

false 8 gles may be to much if you are not sweating/working etc. It can also be to little if you are out working and sweating alot. I mean you can sweat pounds upon pounds of water in the heat. Drink when your thirsty and only drink extra if you are sweating alot or not urinating enough.

My daughter is having suicidal thoughts, what can I do?

She's 23, doesn't live with us. She cut off relationship with us a year ago. She's been resentful since she was 14. She went through a bad phase, made mistakes, got disrespectful, a bit mean to her lil sister and we had to be somewhat harsh. She apologized, but we said we couldn't trust her at that time. Today I think she was being sincere, abut at that time we thought she had to learn from their mistakes. This broke her spirit, she never got over that. Fortunately she changed, never messed up again, but kept her resentment, never got over, never saw us as loving parents anymore, though we tried hard. Today she's graduated, still single, has a good job, is very competent, everybody says she's a great young adult, has a sweet heart. But still has serious psychological problems, since we punished her. She doesn't talk to us, but some friends told us she's having suicidal thoughts. Is there anything we can do? Despite her resentment we love her dearly, we're really scared.

Am tyring to go Vallejo Ca from East coast which is the best way to get there?

The choices are through Oakland airport which is the expensive of the two the other is through San fransisco am going to Napa valley in fairgrounds drive but I need to know which is a better commute and easy way, do they have transit buses or trains to catch.I know there is the taxi ride but it is about 40 miles either way to my address but that cab fare is alot

How do I make cool friends (25-35 ish)in London?

I am fun, confident and I love dancing and talking. I am considerate, a good listener and a bit mischievous. Basically a fab friend. I recently moved to London and all my mates are so far away. I'm on a training course but seem to be surrounded by people who have children, religious commitments or are on Masters courses. They are very nice people, but I have no-one to rebel with. Any suggestions?

Sharpen Service?

Hi, where to find sharpen service to sharp my knives professionally? Does Walmart or anything like that offer this service? Thanks.

Hair straightening help!!?

okay, my hair is really thick and way curly like soo curly. it goes just above my neck when its curly and down to like mid-shoulder blades when its straight. i straighten it frequently, but its really hard because its soo thick and curly. is there anything i can do to speed up the hair-straightening process?? if it helps at all, i have a revlon straightener.. one of those thick ones. i have 2 others- a really thin revlon one and one for wet hair. anyway, thanks in advance and please give me any ideas you have, even if you dont know theyll work. thanks!!

What are the chances of me being accepted into Boston College?

hello. I am a sopre in a private school in Texas. I have been looking at colleges and been really looking into boston college. My freshman year i had a 3.9 GPA. This year, around a 4.2. I participate in varsity bball, varsity soccer, and varsity tennis. I have also been taking guitar lessons outside of school for around 6 years. This year i am taking 1 AP and 2 Pre AP. Next year, i will have 2 or 3 APs and 2 Pre AP. i took the PSAT and only got a 170. I plan to raise that a lot! This summer i am getting a job and helping out at a hospital. I want to go to Carroll school of management. What do u think my chances are???

Physics Ideas for open investigations?

I'm a year 12 student and at the moment I'm asked to think of an investigation to physically carry out over the next 15 weeks, can anyone suggest some ideas from past experience or off the top of their head? If possible I would like to do an investigation along the lines of projectile motion.

What's The Difference Between Catholicism and Protestantism?

What's the difference between Catholicism and Protestantism? I'm Catholic and my friend is Protestant. She say's it's more laid back and they accept gay's. I've read it's really strict though. So what's the difference? Thanks!

Doesn't it just make you FURIOUS?

I'm a military wife and have never cheated when my husband was gone but it happens more than anyone realizes. My neighbor was sleeping around the entire time her husband was gone and it just killed me. I think the same way you do. They are over there defending our country and spouses are betraying them. The men spouses are just as bad. ual frustration should have nothing to do with it. You marry into the military and you deal with it. I knew a guy whose wife was in Iraq and he was sleeping with their babysitter, then before his wife even got back he cleaned out the house and moved with the kids across the country with that babysitter. His wife didn't find out until she got home to a deserted house. It's horrible.

I would very much appreciate some help!?

How do I link my Ad Blaster Site to my Clickbank affiliate program site? I've been going crazy trying to figure it out. Just don't know how to link the two together. Thank you!!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Is my fantasy baseball team any good?

you got the best two players in the draft of coarse your team is good, but you probly could have done a little better that jermy guithre but other than that, a very good team

How do you siphon gas out of a 4 cylinder 1993 Plymouth acclaim?

Will be removing the fuel pump. Rear of car is raised. Two quick disconnect fuel lines disconnected from fuel pump. Tank is full, how do I empty the fuel tank and do I need some special siphon pump. Second question is how far down do I need to lower the fuel tank to replace the fuel pump. Any other tips on removing and replacing the fuel pump that will save me time will be helpful.

How does menopause work?

Hello, I am 44 years old and I think I might be menopausal. I have been getting my periods between 45-53 days instead of the normal 28 days. Does anyone know how menopause works? Some details on this would be greatly appreciated.

Why does my 2 month old cry during burping and immediately after a meal?

My baby used to freak out if we took the bottle away before it was finished, so we let him finish then burp him . I don't think a two month old will burp with a soother in their mouth, they would probably spit it out first .

How Do Muslims Recognize A Cartoon Of Mohammed, If No Pictures Of Him Are Allowed In The First Place ?

They go nuts when an elementary school cl name a teddy bear Mohammed, muslims are just plain insane.

Why Are Yankee Fans So Angry About Manny Ramirez?

It's pathological. If he is really the terrible, detrimental player that you people make him out to be then why is it that Yankee fans hate him so? You should enjoy him, if he's such a cancerous influence on the Red Sox. It ought to crack you right up. If the Yankees had a player undermining them the way that you act like Manny undermines the Sox that player would be my favorite Yankee. I'd laugh my *** off over him. But you Yankee fans just seethe over Manny Ramirez. Are you really that bitter over being eliminated in the first round?

I took two pregnancy tests, both have faint lines. Am i pregnant?

I would recommed the clear blue pregnancy test with words...thats how I found out I was pregnant! But from what you are decribing it definitely sounds like you are. Good luck and congrats if you are : D

Am in love but confuse any one help me? She like me i think but she love me or not? any one give idea plss....?

Am From India (Pondicherry) , Am looking fair and body type is average, 8 month Before i saw one kerala girl who is studying MBBS and staying with her mother at in my village, First time she known while i seeing her she shocked and seeing me very angry, but am not bother but it, after some days am sitting her house opposite and speaking with my friend, she notice also , her mother also noticed and her mother looking me very angry, after some day she (my girl) also seeing me romantic, if her mother is with her means she not seeing me, if her mother is not with her means she seeing me very romantic , i know she also fall in love with me, because her collage mate also speaking my love matter, daily i go to seeing her, some days if see her means she put down her head and walking sadly, last week i go to her collage road and follow her next day she told to her senior girl, and pick up her car and go to collage with her senior, next day i waiting for her, she come to collage, i follow, next day she told to her senior girl and she also come with her , i saw and am happy, because i know her senior girl thats why, i go to speak with her senior girl, hi how r u ? she said my fine and u? am also fine , how do u do your exams, fine, that girl ask why u comeing this side, i said to her senior girl nothing simply a coming , ok ok, next day, she came alone to her collage, i go to proposed, i follow her some distance but she turn and seeing her backside any one watch or notice like that, after some distance i call her name but she not looking me she just turn somebodies called her name like that, after she walk fastly, am shocked , and stand that place, after some minute am out from her collage , her senior girl, that time only entering collage by walk, she saw me and hi gud mrng! am also told to her hi gud morng!!!. IMPORTANT: MY GIRL IS A PRATICAL GIRL AND WITHOUT ANY REASON SHE NOT GO TO ANY PLACE....

Racainol good or bad twords gennitals?

so i had this really bad back pain so i put on cream rocainol contains:cetearyle,cetyle phosphate,distilled water,mineral oil,sodium borate, treithanolamine,white bees wax,white petrolatum.)...i went to the bathhroom and i forgot to was my hand so i wend to take a piss and i grabed my testicals,a minute later they were burning! and then they cooles d im worried i damaged my testis did i ??i so super worried i wen it was burning i rushed and washed them..

Alcohol..what would you do?

Alright so is letting the fact the person im seeing drinks a lot deter me away from making something of us? I personally only drink on special occasions and it both annoys and worries me that they are at the bar every night, I sit here and ask myself do I really want to add somehting like this to my life how much drama will come of this what do you think?

Is Obama handling the Iran situation correctly?

Again, again, and again I find myself in another convoluted paradox. For lust, is but the bitter byzantium like preponderance of evidence that belittles, and befittingly serves my genius. I am like the caecilian(of bourgeois and/or illiberal proportions no less!), in that my pride is my prejudice. Is that not a juxtaposed position? The truth may hurt. The world is a plethora of sensual desires that only cease to consribe all in it's crimson shadow, if only, a convoluted fiend, which I call fear, can be conquered. Only men of true faith, can walk the path I have walked. I fear him, for the day my iniquities are judged, I will be cast asunder like a abomination. However, this journey is likened to a mosque of slashed-up, dagonet-esque, and proverbial goldbrick cynicism. Yes , I have seen many women, claiming they can "walk on water" and "turn men into their slaves". They taint my bismarkian ideals, with leviathan like(of darkened Kalamazoo like make' make' entrapment!) exquisiteces. I hope my words have helped shed light on the subject at hand, for I am a gentlemen of the highest order, whom strives for purity.

Was it the aztecs or myans?

just out of curiosity was it the Aztecs that made the calender? and said that the world was suppose to end on december 21 2012 or was it the Mayans? just out of curiosty...

MVP: Brees, Manning, or Favre?

Also, if I'm missing anyone else, feel free to say so. I think Brees should be MVP just because of how many points he scores and his comebacks. I just want to hear other peoples' opinions.

Ollie have a peanut . How much can he get for this luscious peanut on eBay?

Spray it with acrylic lacquer and see if the Smithsonian Institute will accept it as a rare anomaly. You may get the Nobel prize for humanity. It's you're not your Keisha W. Ollie may speak a little strange, but he does know proper grammar.

Impact of Cortez and the Aztec empire?

What was the impact of being conquered on the subjugated population (Aztecs) when Cortez conquered the Aztec Empire.

If Peyton Manning and Tom Brady are overrated these days, who isn't?

Some people mention that Peyton & Brady are overrated. Same with Favre. If that's so. who in the game today is considered better than them?

What can i do to protest the death penalty?

I've been doing some entense research about the death penalty and i am disgusted how this country decides to put people to death by means of electricution, lethal injection and gas chambers i think this punishment is cruel and very very wrong i cant lie though i do know of people who have killed in my family although it happen why i was in California before i was born but what good is it to kill one and cause another family pain if one family has already put up with i've tried amnesty they wnat money and right now i cant afford to pay but i reall really really want to do something for this cause please please help asap

Quilting question. Please help. Still learning.?

Hi there, I have been quilting for 50 yrs and I cannot even remember how many quilts I have made at this point. I applaud you wanting to branch out and learn new things! You said you have 12" blocks made, so the first thing you need to decide is how big is the finished quilt going to be? King, Queen, wall hanging, etc. Once this is decided, you need to divide the number of blocks into the width and length of your finished project. Let's say you wanted to use your 20 12" squares to make a throw quilt/lap quilt. It would be 4 blocks wide by 5 blocks long...which without borders would be 48" x 60" long. If you are using 100% cotton you can rip your strips instead of cutting them, which is much easier. Once you know your dimensions (48" x 60") then you can decide how much wider and longer you would like your finished quilt to be. Rip/tear your strips from the side of the fabric that will give you the longest strip. Start by cutting as many 12" strips as you will need for the bottom of each block and sew those onto the bottom of each block, adding the top of the next block to the bottom of the border strip. Then lay out the first vertical set of blocks you have sewn together and sew your first long (uncut) border strip (sashing strip) to this set and continue on til you have it done. Hope this helps, don't hesitate to ask more questions. Good luck!

Good 'slice of life' or 'school life' anime?

School rumble is awesome i think its school life/ comedy but i love it, and myself yourself was horrible v.v

Famous couple theme for school dance?

Sadie hawkins is coming up at our school and this years theme is famous couples in history. I would just appreciate some suggestions for some famous couples me and my date could go as.

If a store isn't getting that much business at a mall, could the employees possibly advertise from there?

If a store isn't getting that much business at a mall, could the employees possibly advertise from there? It's a great store and I think a lot of people should know about it! Is it illegal to come up to people with perfume samples/testers from our store and hand it out to them? I haven't seen any other stores in the mall doing that, but I don't know if that's illegal. We have so many great products to offer and great quality also. I don't know how I could advertise our store without making it illegal.

American Idol: Who will go home tonight?

I thought Adam and Danny were fantastic. Allison was okay but she still has a better voice than Kris. I hope that Kris will go home.

Curious! Feelings about 12th house? Is it all that bad?

There was a question about the 12th house a few days ago, you might be able to look it up somehow. What is overlooked by most people when they look at the traditional interpretation of the 12th is the phrase, "hidden limitation and hidden support" You are on the right path I think when you mention potential if brought to light. This can come in the form of an inheritance, a friend you didn't know you had or finding a reserve of strength just when you are ready to give up. I think of this house as the house of things that are hidden from humanity- mental and physical illness until the advent of research, the unconscious, karma. The knowledge of these things can be the beginning of understanding not only of the chart where it is prominent, but of humanity to the secrets of the Universe. I have a 12th house N. Node and I find as I get older and relax my grip on the earthly plane (and I'm a Taurus!) the more clear bigger picture things become.

What do you think of Sarah Palin's book banning attempt?

Adolf Huxley's "Brave new world" was one of them, it is similiar to George Orwell's "1984". Both have the world or America taken over by Facist regimes. "Brave new world is especially disturbing because some of the methods used to take over America in the book are in fact in effect today (for those of you that have not read it, it is fascinating and disturbing reading.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Is it weird that I am actually ok and support my girlfriend's decision to go through with this?

My girlfriend and I have been together for 5 years. She is absolutely amazing and we have a wonderful relationship. She is very beautiful and I have become use to guys hitting on her and trying to get her number when she is at work or elsewhere with a couple of friends. I am not controlling or the overly jealous type and she respects and appreciates that. She is very straightforward and honest with me about everything and dosent like to hide anything. So a new single co-worker of hers has been abnormally persistent at this. I have always known that she is physically attracted to black guys, so I paid more attention to this situation. I asked her if she would like me to say something to him, and she said no she will try and take care of it herself like she usually does. A week later she tells me he has not given up at all. She said I just don't understand why he likes me so much when he knows I have a serious boyfriend that I would never want to leave, and especially after being shot down a thousand times. I asked her if giving in had ever crossed her mind if this continues to be an issue? She said all she knows is it's really becoming a lot more stressful because he is so nice to her about everything. I asked if she was attracted to him, and she said honestly I know I was at first but now its becoming physically stronger. I then asked, what do you think this guy wants from you? She said, if I give him my number he will probably want to date, and I know he will definitely want to start having with me! I said jokingly, it sounds like you are more than interested in that second part! She said, well do you think you could possibly be ok with it if I finally did let myself give in? I said I love you more than anything babe no matter what, and if it happens I will understand and respect your decision. She thanked me for my understanding and said she could not be happier with us. She said she feels comfortable now, and if he asks for her number again, he will get it!

Does anyone know the rest of this song?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Nasal congestion all the time?

I'm pretty much always congested and I have to breathe through my mouth a lot especially in warm conditions. At night when it's cool it lets up but as soon as I lay my head down to sleep I'm congested in like 20 seconds and have to mouth breathe. I've always been like this but my mom says it's not normal. Is this a common problem or is something really wrong with me

Do you know the name of this SNL musical guest?

a big girl singing a song with the words "you got me begging you for mercy mercy mercy". she was on the show a couple weeks ago.

Where can i report online scam?

maybe all is not lost - try and find out if they have a address in the USA - if so contact the State Attorney office of that state as well as the BBB - if you are lucky enough to get a name try civil court using that name and address - if you can find other people try and contact a lawyer for a cl ation suite - keep anything they have sent you and all of you correspondences - you make also go back to the web site and contact the web master an inform that you will be bringing a law suite against them for the fraud as well

Solia, Chi, Bedhead Straightener? Which one works better?

No matter what straigthener you use, none of them will prevent the humidity from affecting your hair. I've heard tons of great things about CHI's, but i've also heard from TONS of people that they work great, but break very easily. I used to have a bed head, and it was decent but i wouldn't recommend it. I currently have a solia, and i love it! I recommend that straightener to everyone! And they're not as pricey as CHI's, and i've also heard they were rated even better than the CHI. The customer service is also great, my solia randomly broke out of no where, and the company sent me a brand new one for free (because my straightener has a warranty, i'm pretty sure all of them come with one). So, i would totally recommend trying out a solia straightener, i'm sure you'll love it!

Why do people tell suicidal victims that they should think of others?

Life is overwhelming. Thinking of others is a good thread, though. Suicidal people often feel, and behave as if, they're islands when in fact they're part of a social network that they just can't appreciate. Thinking of others first, before the self, gives a reason for one to exist: to bring net benefit to the larger community. If one believes that s/he is alone in the universe (solipsism), then it's much easier to self-terminate.

I am EXTREMELY congested, but when i blow my nose nothing comes out. What should I do?

Every time I become sick, nasal congestion follows. Right now, I am getting over a sore throat and I am extremely congested. Usually this can last up to two weeks after my original illness, depending on what I do to treat it. Ive tried everything from vicks, to steaming pot of water, to practically every kind of decongestant I've come across, to chicken soup, tea, drinking lots of water, maging my sinus pressure areas, and nothing seems to help even the slightest. The ONLY thing that gives me immediate relief is Sinex nasal spray. It literally gives me 12 hours of relief every time I use it. However, If i use it for more than a couple of days, it makes me more congested than I was in the first place and seems to just bring my congestion back. (I had to learn this the hard way when I found myself using the nasal spray for about 3 weeks and when I ran out and went cold turkey for a day my congestion went away on its own) Anyway, I'd like to not use nasal spray at all this time but somehow get some fast relief. Any suggestions?

Why shouldnt WE fear Iran`s Nuclear Capability?

I'm worried of people like you. I ain't worried about a country who haven't invaded another country in more than 300 years.

AirPort Extreme card. how does it work?

An Airport card in your iBook would make it wireless. To receive a wirless signal you need the Airport card in your iBook and you have to be around somewhere where you can get the signal. A wireless router takes the ethernet from your cable or DSL modem and broadcasts it to a range with luck of maybe 200 feet. So if you have a wireless router in your house, you can be wireless. Your iBook will also pick up other wireless signals which are around. A good freeware software item is called Macstumbler. It will identify the signals nearby, their strength and if they are pword protected. Many places provide the signal free like some coffeeshops, McDonalds, airports, motels etc. If you have your iBook in your car and drive through a neighborhood of college student rentals, you can find maybe 40 wireless networks, 1/3 of which have no pwords. An Airport card will not allow you to pick up a signal while driving unless you are in a city that provides wifi for free or you are in a parking lot for McDonalds etc. You would need to connect the iBook to a cell phone to go wireless if you are not near a wirless router base station. All iBooks have the slot for an Airport card, it is easy to install. Just check the Apple website.

Does Numbers 5:11-31 describe a holy abortion?

Its not an abortion... its the punishment for committing adultery.. doesnt even say the woman is pregnant or what to do with the baby if she is.

When we send things into space, does it affect our atmosphere? ozone layer?

launchingthe space shuttle dumps more toxic gas into all layers of the atmosphere than you can imagine. Its horrible.

How can I make my NYX eyeshadow appear more bolder? *Best Answer will be chosen*?

well i found that its better when you add a little water and mix it in. kind of like water colors. then ust get your eyeshadow brush or whatever and just paint it on your eye.

Can I throw her stuff in the fireplace?

I was dating this girl for 2 weeks and she left some of her stuff here like some DVDs, shampoo, lingerae, and a pair of heels. She lives about 30 miles from me and I broke up with her last night. She is texting me telling me to bring her all of her stuff or she will call the police. I told her she could come and get it but she can't because she doesn't have a car. Can I just throw her **** away or do I have to save it for some period of time?

How do i get a sponser?

First of all are you good and different. I used to be in a band and I would put up videos or sponsors would come up to me after the show. Basically make it so people would want to buy their products.

What kind of AMD graphics card compares to an 1GB nVIDIA 9400GT 1024MB PCI Express Video Card?

My friend just got the AMD 2400 HD and I was wondering if the one i want is better. I found the video card really cheap already. I just wnat to know

Don't you think the Jeepney symbolizes the Philippines' inability to move forward, to improve?

the jeepney is deeply woven into the fabric of filipino life. it is one of the last remnants of things na sariling atin (our very own). getting rid of it will not contribute to the betterment of our lives. let the jeepneys stay, your royal majesty!

IF you dont believe in spirits how do you explain this?

it can also be that he saw a movie that showed him the procedure of the surgery. then, while under anethesia he kind of had a dream that was basically re-showing the whole procedure

Which of these can be used to measure atmospheric pressure? 1) An anemometer, 2) A barometer, 3) A thermometer?

An anemometer measures wind speed, a barometer atmospheric pressure and a thermometer temperature. So the answer is (2) = a barometer.

What does a maryland drivers license look like?

ok I've done image searches checked the dmv site and I havent been able to find a picture of what the maryland drivers license looks like. could you guys please help me. this is more out of curiousity but is there a site that shows you what each states drivers license looks like?

Do you like my signing the papers song / recessional song?

its a nice song. but have you listened to the lyrics? its about him loving her, but he screwed up and now she's with someone else. not the most romantic song for a wedding.

Do you know of any y foreign songs?

Can anyone give me the names of some y/hot songs in French, German, Italian, Dutch, Czech, Swedish, Finnish, Polish, Romanian, or Russian? Please no hip-hop/rap/R&B or jazz or opera. Thanks!

What songs are similar to this one?

I have really come to like the song "Feel It" by Three Six Mafia feat. Tiesto, Sean Kingston, and Flo Rida. And i am into like whatever kinda music sounds like this but i was just wondering if anyone knows any similar songs??????

How can I fix my homemade baby food peas?

I made frozen organic peas into babyfood for my 7 month old. Should I have thawed the peas first? I steamed them for about 10 minutes and then pureed them in my magic bullet, however it didn't come out very puree like. Not all of the peas got mashed. My son is older now so a different texture is good but I am a bit nervous that the peas aren't mashed well. Any suggestions? Thanks.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP ME ! its long but im in desperate need of help ! please ! i'm about to breakdown :'(?

Hi, I'm a 16 year old female. I'm the middle child of 3 daughters and live with both my parents however they fight a lot. When I was 11 my dad left home for the first time but it was only for a week, he leaves a lot but always comes home after a while. The longest time he left was for 3 weeks. However, my father has bought an apartment and plans to move into it after my older sister is dropped off at college (This august). A few years ago when i was 13, I was bullied by a group of girls in my grade, i would be so scared i spent recess hiding and would only leave school until all the girls had left. I would go home and sleep before I had lunch or did anything else I just get into bed and my mum noticed that something was wrong but I don't talk to her about my life (we don’t have such a good relationship) so she only officially found out when the school gave them a worrying phone call. I am now best friends with some of those girls and so there is no reason to remain "depressed" about that. The effect of the bullying should have worn off. For about 4 years now, I’ve had extreme mood swings. I've had days of major depression where i fake being sick to stay in bed and avoid going to school. At social outings I sometime get really upset and leave early without knowing the reason for why I feel so bad. I may burst into tears for no particular reason.There are times where I am extremely irritable and want to do nothing but sit in the dark under the covers. I have a terrible temper and often get into rages, when i get really angry with my siblings i may physically hurt them and my mother always tells me what a difficult child I am. At other times I feel quite normal but it doesn't last long. And sometimes I am over the top happy and nothing can bring me down i feel more sociable than ever, I'm laughing making jokes, singing, having the time of my life that my friends tell me I'm not acting normal and my mother says that if i weren't at home all day she'd say i was on something or drunk. My energy levels would be over the top and I’m probably the happiest most bubbly person alive. I feel like a puppet and no one knows who's pulling the strings. About three years ago I started cutting and ice-burning (ice & salt burns) myself when I got upset or angry but recently the cuts and burns have increased and i do it much more often. I got caught cutting in school once, it was a terrible day i felt so depressed for no reason, i was crying hysterically and had no control over myself. it was one of the worst and most embarring days of my life. At a party once i was dancing with this guy when i suddenly felt so sad i started crying and screaming and felt depressed for the rest of the party. Someone thought that the screaming and sudden crying was because i was wasted and attempted to force me to vomit but i had had only 2 gles and i could walk properly and so i was not even tipsy. Last year at a summer camp I attended someone caught cuts on my arm and I was put into the health center for 4 days until my parents had to take a 12 hour flight to pick me up, I felt as if I was in a mental hospital. I tried to run away from the health center numerous times they even igned someone to “keep an eye on me” yet I managed to run away I was brought back to the health center in a security car and it was scary. They’d call my parents and tell them “your daughter is on the loose on campus” as if I was some nut case. My grades this year have gone down tremendously, they started decreasing about 2 years ago but this year i failed 5 subjects in the first semester and 2 in the second. Even at 16 I still have nightmares that keep me up at night and I have trouble sleeping it takes me hours to fall asleep and i wake up numerous times every night. And i have gained more weight this year than i have ever gained (I’m not overweight , I just gained weight). I was diagnosed with ADD but i think it's not ADD and has something to do with another mental disorder. I don't feel normal and i've lost friends because of my constant extreme mood swings they always tell me i'm either too happy or too sad i have no in-between and sometimes i do feel that way. I've been going to a therapist since february and i don't see myself getting anywhere. She's not the first therapist i've been to, i've been to two others over the past 3 years and nothing is working with me. My mother also tells me i always blow things out of proportion. When i fought with her one time i ran away from home for about 7 hours. My boyfriend cheated on me with a younger girl 3 times i forgave him the first 2 times but the third time i unwillingly let go and i was depressed and lonely for about a month.